What is hyper automation zubatecno.com

I’m going to skip the introduction and just jump right into it. What is hyper automation? Hyperautomation uses a mix of different automation tools that work together to automate processes and activities.


Defining Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation is the use of multiple automation technologies in tandem. In addition to using RPA, it also includes using NLP, ML and AI to automate workflows.

The main benefit of hyperautomation is that it allows companies to create repeatable processes that can be applied across different industries and locations. This makes it cost-effective as well as easy for users who have limited resources or expertise in any particular area to implement new processes easily.

Assessing hyperautomation opportunities

Before you start on a hyperautomation project, it’s important to define the problem. What are you trying to achieve? Who is your audience? How can this help them accomplish their goals?

If you want to create a website that helps people lose weight, for example, then you should ask yourself: What do I want my users’ end results (their bodies) look like in three months and six months from now? What does success look like for me as an author or publisher?

It can be tempting—and maybe even necessary—to try and make everything perfectly automated because there are so many things we don’t know about our customers’ needs and preferences yet! But instead of worrying about what other people might think of your idea while they’re still figuring out their own path towards success themselves, focus on making sure what matters most comes through loud and clear when someone lands on your site.

Scoping hyperautomation opportunities

When you’re ready to begin, the first step is to analyze your problem. This can be done in many different ways:

  • Define the project. What are you trying to accomplish? What do you want to achieve? How will this impact other areas of your business or organization?
  • Identify goals and objectives for each phase of the process (e.g., “Get approval from management before implementing hyperautomation”). For example, if there’s an upcoming meeting at which time will be critical for finishing certain tasks like writing reports or sending emails, then it would make sense that making sure all prior steps get completed prior would help ensure success at this point in time as well as reduce any unnecessary stress later on down the line when deadlines near come closer along with other responsibilities needing attention such as paying bills etcetera…

Designing & testing hyperautomation

To design and test hyperautomation, you must first identify opportunities for automation in your process. You should review the existing process and identify any tasks that could be automated with the help of a few new technologies. Once you have identified these opportunities, it’s time to determine whether or not they are worth pursuing through hyperautomation.

Once you have decided whether or not it makes sense to pursue automating your current processes with hyperautomation, it’s time to design a solution that will allow those processes to be automated more effectively than before. This process can take anywhere from a few days up until months depending on how complex an undertaking it may be (and how much effort goes into developing the solution). The end result is always worth it though!

Automating processes and activities

Before you start, define the problem and its solution. If you’re not sure what that is, this is a good time to get help from someone who knows more than you do. Your first step should be setting goals for yourself—but don’t worry about what other people’s goals are or how they measure up against yours; focus on getting started yourself.

For example: if one of your fitness goals is running 3 miles in 30 minutes every single day for six months straight without fail…and now that six months have passed and it’s time for another check-in with friends (who may or may not know about this goal), there are two things that could happen: 1) everyone thinks it’s ridiculous because there was no way anyone could have achieved such an accomplishment by now (even though they’re all trying their hardest); 2) every one of them has heard stories about people who accomplish incredible feats like this through constant dedication and hard work over long periods of time and they all agree that those people are amazing because they have grit.

Analyzing process outcomes?

You can use process outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of your automation.

Analyzing process outcomes will help you determine if the automation is working as intended, whether there are any issues with the automation and what changes need to be made in order for it to continue performing at an optimal level.

Updating processes to incorporate feedback loops

Feedback loops are used to improve processes and ensure that they are functioning as they should. They can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Improving the quality of work. If you have a process that involves creating documents or other materials, you could use feedback loops to make sure your team is delivering high-quality content with each iteration. This can be done by having someone on your team monitor progress throughout the project and report any issues back to higher management for review.
  • Improving efficiency. You may also want to consider using feedback loops when it comes time for your company’s employees (or yourself) to complete their tasks at work because this will help save time overall for everyone involved with getting things done!

Hyperautomation is the use of multiple automation technologies in tandem. In addition to using RPA, it also includes using NLP, ML and AI to automate workflows.

The combination of these technologies allows for a more comprehensive approach to automation.


With the spread of hyperautomation, organizations will be able to create more efficient processes and systems. This will not only help with efficiency but also deliver better customer experiences.