Immigrate to canada as a geological engineer in 2023

If you’re a geological engineer, and have the necessary qualifications and skills, it’s time to get ready for your new life in Canada. Whether you’re planning on immigrating as a spouse or parent, or even just as an employer who wants to hire someone from overseas, there are plenty of steps to follow before applying for permanent residency.

In this article we’ll walk through everything from finding out which federal immigration program is best suited for you based on your occupation and country of origin, all the way through submitting an application with documents proving that you can support yourself financially while living in Canada.


How to get in: What you need to know

A geological engineer is a professional who uses science and engineering principles to design and manage natural resources. They work in the fields of exploration, production, storage, transportation, regulation and protection of water resources.

To become a geological engineer you need to complete an accredited degree program in which you will study subjects such as geology or geography (or both) at university level followed by three years’ work experience as an apprentice or trainee before applying for a position in Canada.

In addition to studying your chosen subject matter each term your program should include practical experience through fieldwork trips during second year when you are completing thesis projects under supervision of experienced researchers at either local universities or national research facilities such as Baffin Island Marine Station.

Become a geological engineer

To become a geological engineer, you’ll need to meet the following qualifications:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree in geology or related field (e.g., petroleum engineering) from an accredited university.
  • Pass four exams: one written test and three oral tests. The first two are general knowledge tests, while the third is an interview designed to determine whether you’re well-suited for this career path.
  • Have three years’ experience working as an engineer on projects related to your major area of study (e.g., oil and gas extraction).

Get your qualifications assessed

You will need to get your qualifications assessed by the Canadian Cultural Credentials Assessment Service. This process can take up to 6 weeks and requires that you provide proof of your qualifications.

Find out if your occupation is regulated

You can find out if your occupation is regulated by the Canadian government by calling or visiting the website of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

If you’re interested in finding out what occupations are regulated in Canada, here’s how:

  • Go to ESDC’s website and search for “Occupations”.
  • On that page, click on “Search” next to “Occupational groups”, then type in your desired occupation into the text box below that. For example, if you’re looking for an engineer who works with rocks and minerals but doesn’t want their name associated with mining activities like gold mining or oil drilling, enter “geological engineer” instead of “mining engineer.”

Find out which federal immigration program is best for you

There are three federal immigration programs that can help you immigrate to Canada as a geological engineer. The first is the Federal Skilled Worker Program, which offers temporary permits for workers in professions like geoscientists and engineers who have at least one year of experience in their field.

The second option is the Federal Express Employment Permit (FEEP), which allows foreign nationals with at least two years of experience in various fields such as mining or engineering to apply for permanent residence status after they’ve been working temporarily in Canada for five years. Finally, there’s also the Canadian Temporary Work Permit Program (CRWP), which allows skilled immigrants from outside North America who have at least six years of relevant work experience and hold an offer letter from an employer willing to sponsor them before starting their new job here.

Meet the language requirements

To be eligible to obtain a work permit in Canada as a Geological Engineer, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have obtained either:
  • English or French language test results that show that you can read, write and speak English/French at an advanced level (at least B1) on any of the following levels: B2; A2; C1 or D2.
  • An exemption from this requirement in the form of an official document issued by your country’s immigration authorities stating that you are able to work without speaking any language other than English or French fluently

Show proof of funds to support yourself and your family

To be considered for the position, you must have enough money to support yourself and your family. This includes evidence of funds from the first month after landing in Canada.

In addition to having sufficient funds for living expenses, it is important that candidates demonstrate their financial stability by including documents such as bank statements or pay slips from previous employment.

Complete medical and security checks

The medical and security checks are the most important parts of the immigration process. You must pass these to be allowed into Canada.

The medical check is usually performed by a doctor or nurse at your local hospital, who will examine your entire body for signs of illness or disease. If they find something wrong, they’ll refer you to another doctor for further testing.

The security check is done by an immigration officer who looks over your documentation and questions you about any criminal convictions or pending charges against you in the US (or any other country). They also check whether there’s any reason why it would be dangerous for them to let you into Canada—for example, if there’s evidence that someone with whom you’ve lived has been involved in terrorist activities in the past 10 years (which includes terrorism connected with al-Qaeda).

Submit an application with the required documents and fees

You will need to pay a fee of $500, which is non-refundable. You must submit a passport photo, copy of your passport and degree certificate.

You can also apply for permanent residence through Express Entry if you have lived in Canada for at least five years (or three years if married to or living with someone who has permanent residence) in any province or territory except Quebec.

Study hard, get a job, and apply!

To be eligible for Canadian immigration, you must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant)
  • Be able to support yourself and your family financially.
  • Have sufficient education, training, or work experience that demonstrates your ability to succeed in Canada’s economy. If you are applying under the Express Entry system, you must also meet one of Canada’s Federal Skilled Workers streams (such as Skilled Trades、Refugeeand Humanitarian Program).


We hope you’ve enjoyed this step-by-step guide to immigrating to Canada as a geological engineer in 2023! There is still much to do, but with the right preparation, we can make your dream a reality. Good luck!