Best URL Shorteners to earn money in 2024

High Paying URL Shortener Websites to Earn Money Online in 2023

I’ll go over ONE of the Best URL Shortener Websites To Make Easy Money Online in this post. So, my friends, stay until you’ve read this post in its whole. To assist you navigate this world of link shorteners and make some good passive income, I’ve got all the juicy details.

Let’s begin straight away!

Since way back in 2018, I’ve been trying and using various link shortener websites to get some passive revenue.

I have a good five years of experience already.

I’ve came across a lot of link shortening websites throughout this period, some of which have endured and have consistently paid me, while others have disappeared without a trace, leaving me feeling as though I wasted my time.

But don’t worry!

I’m here to give you the inside scoop on all the URL shortener services that pay out and to share my invaluable knowledge with you.

Believe me, I’ve used every link shortener website featured in this post and have become an expert over time.

In addition, I know the best, highest-paying URL shortener sites that I personally use to generate at least $200 every month.

High Paying URL Shortener Websites to Earn Money Online in 2023​

How URL Shortener and Earn Money System Works

Let’s examine the operation of the entire URL shortener and money-making system.

You can shorten lengthy URLs using the dashboards offered by URL shortener providers. These more condensed links are simpler to distribute on a variety of online forums, including social media, blogs, chat rooms, and communities.

Now, when someone clicks on one of the abbreviated links you have shared, an advertisement is displayed before directing them to the lengthy original URL.

The real kicker is that your income depends on how well advertisements function in numerous ways.

Additionally, the URL shortening provider you use will determine your pay depending on a number of variables, including revenue sharing, click-through rates, impression counts, geography, ad playtime, etc.

Have you previously known it?

Use the buttons on the right side to like and share this post if you think the information is worthwhile. You may now quickly browse my selection of the finest URL shortener websites and make quick money online.

High Paying URL Shorteners in 2023


if your primary means of income is URL shortening. Linkvertise can then assist you in succeeding.

A ground-breaking new method of paying for links on the internet is called linkvertise. You may instantly make money from the material you post thanks to its user-friendly platform.

Linkvertise has the ability to help you earn some money online thanks to features like split-testing, click-by-click tracking, and statistics that break down your clicks by nation and device.

  • With Linkvertise, you may make money quickly. In German-speaking nations, it is the highest-paying link-shortening website.

Linkvertise can provide a high reward without using pop-ups or intrusive layers.

Features of Linkvertise That Make Money Include

  1. You can distribute links and get paid for each click a visitor makes.
  2. Obtain a $2 welcome bonus.
  3. Each a thousand views brings in 8–11 €.
  4. dashboard for easy administration.

A minimum of 10 euros must be paid each month using PayPal, Paysafecard, Payoneer, or bank transfer.
Cutting connections is a simple and quick way to get money.
The best part is that all you need to begin earning money from your links is a Linkvertise account.

So why are you still waiting? Start using Linkvertise to share your content right away!


One of the top URL shortener websites in India for making money online is This website’s distinguishing feature is the ability to shorten any URL for sharing. In its place, you receive $20 for every 1000 visits.


  • Earn 25% of your friends’ lifetime earnings when they use your referral link.
  • From the administrative panel, you can easily control every feature by clicking a button.
  • Access to thorough live statistics is available.
  • Your earnings can only be withdrawn with a minimum payout of $5. Additionally, publishers get paid via Indian bank transfer, UPI, Skrill, and PayPal.
  • Your CPM rates are really expensive.
  • A simple API makes it easier for you to shorten links more rapidly.
  • 24/7 client assistance.

Don’t think twice. It is easy! Simply shorten your URL, share it, and get paid right away. So,


Using this totally free program, you may simply earn money from home. For each visit, you receive payment. You can increase your earnings by joining the referral program. When you refer friends, you will always receive 20% of their earnings.

With the click of a button, all the functions are controllable from the administration panel. They also support French, Spanish, and Portuguese in addition to English.

When you thoroughly investigate their website for legitimacy, you can see payment proofs as well. The shortener tool offers a variety of analytical options as well. You can, for instance, understand what generates the greatest cash for you and the tactics you need to use.

  • $1 was paid as a welcome bonus.
  • Your minimum payment is modest.
  • Only $ 5.00 must be earned before you are rewarded.
  • paid with Skrill, PayPal, Bitcoin, and Payeer.
  • Paytm, UPI, and bank transfers are the methods used to pay Indian audiences.
  • With Shrinkme’s rising prices, you may also benefit from the traffic to the most extent possible.
  • Using API, it is simple to shorten URLs and provide innovative ideas.
  • You have a dedicated staff to serve you in the event that you need any questions answered or assistance.


One of the best and most recent URL shorteners is It’s a no-cost tool. Advertisers can design interstitial and banner campaigns here.

By shortening and sharing links online, publishers can also make money. In 2023, it will be one of the highest-paying URL shorteners, which is advantageous.

All you have to do is sign up for a account, make a shortened link, and share it online. You continue to profit from each view or visit.

You receive a lifetime affiliate commission of 25% when you recommend Clk to friends and internet acquaintances.

Other characteristics of Clk include

  • utilizing a button click to manage every feature from the administration panel.
  • Publishers may monitor the effectiveness of their shortened links, which is another feature that makes the finest URL shortener. Advertisers can also monitor the success of their banner and interstitial campaigns.
  • Just $5.00 is the minimal minimum payout threshold for withdrawal of your earnings. PayPal is also used for publication payments.
  • a high CPM rate offer.
  • API link shortening capability is available.
  • 24/7 client assistance.


Look at a URL shortener that pays up to $150 for 10,000 views as a comeback. Even though ClicksFly re-enters the market for URL shorteners that pay, you may still give it a shot if you can drive traffic from Greenland, which is then followed by Iceland, the US, and the UK.

With a payout of roughly $4.00 per 1,000 views, Clicksfly appears to be the highest paying URL shortening website for Indian traffic.

There’s more after all.

You can choose the advertisements you want to have shown on your links by using the Indian URL shortener ClicksFly. This entails that you may select the kinds of ads you wish to display, have total control over your links, and bid irrelevant or intrusive ads farewell.

Among the advantages of ClicksFly URL Shorten

  • $1 was paid as a welcome bonus.
  • When users from any region of the world click the link, you get paid at least $3.5.
  • PayPal payments with a $3 minimum payout are accepted. Paytm, UPI, bank transfers, etc.
  • 10000 views will earn you up to $150 with ClicksFly.
  • In exchange for referring a new sign-up, you can receive 20% of the commission.
  • 24/7 assistance and a straightforward, tidy dashboard.