College Scholarships Dealing With Sickle Cell Anemia 2023/2024

Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited blood disorders that affects red blood cells. It causes anemia, pain and other symptoms. To find out more about these scholarships, read on.

College Scholarships Dealing With Sickle Cell Anemia 2023/2024
College Scholarships Dealing With Sickle Cell Anemia 2023/2024


Sickle Cell Disease Association of America

The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDA) is an organization that helps students with sickle cell disease and their families. The SCDA scholarship is awarded to members who are high school or college students, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and meet other requirements as stated on their website. In order to be eligible for this award, you must be at least 18 years old by 2023/24 and live in the United States during your studies at an accredited university or college. If you are not currently attending school but would like to apply for this scholarship next year, contact SCDA directly so they can answer any questions about how to apply.

Charlotte Lozier Institute

Charlotte Lozier Institute is a non-profit research organization that conducts research on abortion and its effects on women, men and society.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute offers scholarships for postgraduate studies in the United States of America.

American Association for Cancer Research Minority Scholar Award

The American Association for Cancer Research Minority Scholar Award is a scholarship program that aims to increase the number of minority students with cancer research interests, and to encourage them to pursue careers in this field. To be eligible for this award, you must:

  • Be a member of an underrepresented group (e.g., African-American or Latino). This can mean being Hispanic or Latino; having parents who were born outside the United States; having no identification as “white” on your census form; etc. If you are unsure whether you are considered an eligible applicant based on your race/ethnicity, contact us at [email protected]
  • Be enrolled as full-time student at an accredited college or university located within the United States.

McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program

The McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program awards scholarships to individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to research in the biomedical sciences. Students must be enrolled in an accredited doctoral program and must be U.S citizens or permanent residents.

Application Deadline: January 15

   University Admission Deadline:
 February 28

   MDF Program Contact:

   Program Manager Charles Jackson

   ETS Contact
 (to order test score reports):

American Indian Nurse Scholarship

The American Indian Nurse Scholarship Foundation is a nonprofit organization that awards scholarships to American Indian and Alaska Native students who are enrolled in an accredited nursing program.

The Foundation will award up to $3000 annually for three years to one recipient from each state, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. All applicants must be at least 18 years old on July 1st of the year they apply for their award, but may still be younger than 30 years old when applying if they have completed their associate degree prior to this date (so long as this was done before turning 30). In addition, candidates should also have completed at least one semester/semester equivalent while attending college already—or alternatively demonstrate financial need based on their household income level.

Mary Switzer Memorial Fellowship Program

The Mary Switzer Memorial Fellowship Program is an initiative of the National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NANPWH). The fellowship is a two-year program that provides $20,000 to each fellow.

The program aims to increase access to care for women with sickle cell disease by providing financial support for nurse practitioners who want to specialize in providing holistic care, including prevention and control strategies as well as patient education and counseling services.

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Medical Education Award

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Medical Education Award is a program for high school juniors and seniors. It provides financial support to eligible students who plan to pursue careers in medicine, science or public health. The goal of this award is to increase interest in medical careers in minority students.

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Medical Education Award is open to African American, Hispanic or Native American high school juniors and seniors who have been accepted into an approved undergraduate program at an accredited postsecondary institution located outside their state of residence; who are enrolling full-time; who are U.S citizens or permanent residents; who have completed three consecutive semesters (or equivalent units) at their current institution with good academic standing (2.0 GPA); and who demonstrate financial need based on average family income below $65k per year for one parent families which would include two parents but excluding children under age 18 years old living under same roof where one parent earns less than 200% poverty line income.

American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASLHF) Scholarships and grants

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASLHF) is a non-profit organization that sponsors scholarships and grants in the field of speech pathology. To be eligible for these awards, you must be pursuing your undergraduate degree or graduate program at an accredited institution. You also need to have at least one year of work experience in the field of speech pathology or audiology before applying for these scholarships.

The ASLHF offers several different types of scholarship funds:

  • Fellowship Fund – This fund provides support for outstanding students who are interested in becoming full members of ASLHF’s board; candidates must have completed two years as an active member before being nominated by another member of the board as well as submit an essay describing why they would make a good addition to this group.
  • Research Grant Program – This program supports current research projects related to hearing impairment so applicants should ensure their proposed project fits within those parameters.
  • Achievement Awards – These awards are given out annually during ASLHLF’s annual conference held each springtime where recipients can receive anywhere between $1k-$5k depending upon their individual merits

Horatio Alger – Distinguished Americans Awards Program

Horatio Alger is a 19th-century American writer and lecturer. He wrote several novels, which were later adapted into films. Alger’s most famous work is Ragged Dick, which tells the story of an orphan who grows up to become a successful businessman.

In addition to his literary career, Alger also worked as an educator and humanitarian relief worker during World War I. He was responsible for creating many educational programs throughout New York City that taught children how they could help their communities through volunteer work or charity fundraising events. In 1924, he founded the Distinguished Americans Awards Program (DAAP), which annually honors individuals who have made significant contributions toward improving society through their actions or words within government offices such as city councils; schools; churches; religious organizations; non-profit organizations; businesses etcetera…

National Society of Health Coaches – Pamela Frank, RD Memorial Scholarship

The National Society of Health Coaches – Pamela Frank, RD Memorial Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship awarded to a student with sickle cell anemia. The deadline to apply for this award is March 15th and applicants can find more information about the application process on the NSHCA website.

National Kidney Foundation Scholarships and Fellowships in Chronic Kidney Disease Research (CKD)

The National Kidney Foundation Scholarship and Fellowship in Chronic Kidney Disease Research (CKD) is a competitive undergraduate scholarship program that offers financial assistance to students pursuing a career in nephrology. This program provides up to $5,000 per year to undergraduate students who are enrolled full-time in an accredited university with a 3.0 or higher grade point average.

The CKD Scholarships and Fellowships are intended for those pursuing research careers within the field of nephrology, including those working on basic science or clinical research projects related to chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Eligibility criteria

Eligibility criteria

You must be a high school senior (or soon-to-be graduate) and/or college student. You also need to:

  • Have been diagnosed with sickle cell anemia by a physician or nurse practitioner.


It is important to remember that there are a number of factors that can affect the outcome of your application and scholarship. The most important thing you can do is make sure the school you’re applying to has a good reputation for treating sickle cell anemia well. If your health issues are not addressed, then any money awarded by scholarships may not be enough to cover expenses related directly or indirectly with your condition.

If you’re looking for ways in which these types of financial aid might benefit you, look no further than this article! We’ve included information on what specific types of scholarships exist as well as tips on how best use them.

There are many scholarships available to students with Sickle Cell Disease. If you’re interested in learning more about this particular condition and/or scholarship opportunities, it may be helpful to contact one of these organizations directly. The above mentioned scholarships are only a few examples of how we can help those who need financial assistance for their education.

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